Learning Arabic in Oman

Learning Arabic in Oman

Learning Arabic in Oman

Learning Arabic in Oman

Learning Arabic in Oman is the first thing to think about if you are a foreigner. Spoken by over 420 million people mostly residing in the Middle East, it is no surprise that Arabic is the sixth most spoken language in the world. One of the six official languages of the United Nations. Also, Arabic has swollen in popularity in recent years in terms of the number of non-native speakers learning it as a foreign language.

Al-Wasil Language Institute Oman’s first study abroad and Learning Arabic in Oman. Also, it offers a variety of Arabic programs for both residents and non-residents.


 You will be taught by highly qualified and friendly staff. Learning Arabic in Oman in Alwasil Language Institute is very special. We have Interactive and communicative teaching methods enable students to obtain practical Arabic skills. Culture courses are also available.

All teachers are certified trainers and have experience in teaching foreigners.

The institute has its own materials for Learning Arabic in Oman.  In addition, the student receives their materials at the beginning of the course. Also, they vary according to his/ her level. In case the student needs to follow a specific curriculum from his / her university, the teacher can adapt the course if the student provides the materials in advance.

Individual Arabic Courses

Taking an individual course gives you excellent opportunities in Learning Arabic in Oman. You can choose to study Modern Standard Arabic or Colloquial Arabic. Also, you can choose a combination of both. One-to-one tuition guarantees fast progress and focuses on developing those language skills. We also offer specialized courses designed for those who seek special language and cultural skills.

Certificates and Credits

 Above all, Learning Arabic accomplish whit Certification. Institute accreditation in Modern Standard Arabic are an important element that the Language Institute offers. They are one of it is part of a registered academic institution.